Actual 501(c)3 Organization

Accepted By Courts And Schools

Not A Church

Earn Up To 300 Hours

Notary Available In Office

Easy And Convenient

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Complete your community service hours at your own pace.

Options may be available if you can’t spend time away from home, work, or if your drivers license is suspended.

“These lovely ladies made me enjoy giving my time to the organization.
It’s also important for me to know that I’m working for an organization that actually helps. I personally know a family that was overjoyed by the food assistance that was given to them when they were in need. Thank you from my friend and I.”

Matthew Lincoln

“Quick and easy. So glad I contacted them for my community service hours for Fulton county. I couldn’t have made a better decision.”

Jamie Lont

“I contacted HMI years ago when I needed Hours completed for probation.
I was really short on time, but after I explained my situation to them, the director at the time, Ms. Morgan allowed me to do some work for them on a really short notice. I’m really thankful for this organization because If they didn’t exist…. I could’ve spent some time in jail.”

Nick H.

Court ordered community service hours can really provide a genuine service to your community.
There are many ways to benefit your community beyond the typical “picking up trash” on the street or cleaning toilets. We are taking a grass roots approach by actively mobilizing our volunteers and giving them many options to help our organization meet its’ mission, “Helping Those In Need”. Therefore, the more people who contribute their community service hours to our organization, the more service and benefit Handmaidens Ministries Inc can provide to the community.

We are simply transferring love and effort from one person to the next.
Handmaidens Ministries Inc makes completing community service hours simple. As it should be. We make community involvement easy for those who are finding it difficult to locate community service programs.

The search stops here.
Our most common volunteers include people who are struggling to find places to do community service needs or those who’ve had a bad experience with helping other organizations. With our community service program, we provide flexible, and dynamic solutions for your community service requirements.

Community Service Near Me

We have offices in the following ares. If your area isn’t listed, we can still help. Just give us a call for your options.

  • Atlanta, Ga Metro Area

  • Los Angeles, CA Metro Area

  • New York City, NY Metro Area

  • Indianapolis, IN Metro Area

  • Nashville, TN Metro Area

  • Chicago, Il Metro Area

  • San Diego, CA Metro Area

  • Raleigh, NC Metro Area

  • Cincinnati, OH Metro Area

  • Cleveland, OH Metro Area

  • Washington, DC Metro Area

  • Phoenix, AZ Metro Area

  • Philadelphia, PA Metro Area

  • Pittsburg, PA Metro Area

  • Detroit, Mi Metro Area

We accept everyone regardless of their offense.

Our most frequent clients have had probation, citations, traffic tickets, or immigration requirements.

Choose Your Desired Community Service Duties:

Volunteer Committee
Custom Assignments
Food Bank Assistance
Food Collection Assistance
Donation Collection Assistance
Special Skills Services

Still have Questions?
Call 1-800-630-3385

We look forward to working with you. Together, let’s make a difference!